
Chair-making Courses

I started running green wood courses in 1985, initially near Bristol, then in Devon, and since 1995, in Herefordshire: for 10 years at Clissett Wood and for 11 years at Brookhouse Wood. With each move, I have taken the opportunity to refine the content and format of the courses and to improve the facilities based to a large extent on feedback from students Over the years, I have found that of all the green woodworking projects on offer, it is the making of a chair that has proved most popular and rewarding for course participants.

In 2015 I moved these chair-making courses from the woodland back to the workshop in our cottage garden in order to embark upon semi-retirement (although some would say that happened in 1985!)

Course underway
Greenwood Cottage course shelter 2019

5-day Courses

The courses usually run for 5 days and are limited to four students. All necessary tools, equipment and green wood will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own. In previous years there has been a choice of the simple spindle-back or the more complex lath-back.


In 2022 the lath-back chair was subtly morphed into the rib-back as shown below. This retains the comfort of the lumbar support, while retaining some of the simplicity of the spindle-backs. Most people should be able to make a rib-back but the options of spindle-back and lath-back may also be available. For more details, see my blogs over the past few years.


Courses for 2024

After acheiving my ‘three score years and ten’ in 2021, I talked about retiring from running courses but I realised that I would miss the banter and the buzz, so I plan to continue with the courses as long as I am able. In fact 2023 was one of the most enjoyable and successful years I can remember. (maybe because my memory is rapidly declining – fortunately ‘muscle memory’ seems to get us through!)

So, here are the course dates for 2024:

May 20th to 24th

June 10th to 14th

July 1st to 5th

July 22nd to 26th

August 12th to 16th

September 2nd to 6th

September 16th to 20th

After notifying people on my waiting list plus newsletter subscribers, all the above courses are currently fully booked. However, I will probably get some cancellations, so if you are keen to attend a course in 2024, then please e-mail me at to find out the latest news. If all else fails, I can add you to the waiting list for 2025!

The course schedule

The schedule is roughly as follows, although there is some flexibility within this format:

  • Courses run from 9am to 6pm each day with about an hour’s break at lunchtime during which I can take my 20-minute ‘siesta’.
  • Days 1 & 2 are spent making the components for the chairs, using the processes of cleaving, shaving, tenoning and steam-bending.
  • Most of Day 3 is allocated to cleaning up and assembling the components for the rib-back frame.
  • Day 4 is spent completing the assembly and oiling the chairs ready for……
  • Day 5, which is spent weaving the seat, usually with Danish cord; weaving patterns that have evolved on my courses over the years.

The course fee

The course fee is £590 which includes all tuition, as well as the cost of the chair-making ash logs plus seating materials as well as hot drinks and a light lunch.

What will you take away from a green wood Chair-making course?

  • Your own unique wooden chair, created entirely from the log entirely through your own efforts;
  • The skills needed to continue on your own as a hobby or to develop further as a fulfilling occupation;
  • An awareness of just how much you can achieve without the need for sophisticated machinery.


Greenwood Cottage is located in Halmonds Frome, a rural hamlet in East Herefordshire, midway between the cities of Hereford and Worcester.


Green wood and basic seating materials will be included in the price of the course but there may be a charge for any other materials that have to be bought in, such as unusual seating material for chairs.


A light lunch plus hot or cold drinks will be provided each day and included in the price.



There will be no on-site accommodation available at Greenwood Cottage but there are many alternatives in the area. We can notify you of some recommended options when you book a course place.

Course times

Each day will run from 9am to 6pm with an hour break for lunch.

For latest information on course availability:

e-mail or tel. 01531 640005 (8am to 8pm)